Thursday, November 22, 2012

Raymond Buckland, an English Gypsy

Back in 2000, I was living on a houseboat on Lake Lanier near Atlanta, Georgia.
That is a story in itself which will be shared in time, but for now, let me say that
it was a perfect gypsy set-up.
It was cheap, easy and when you were ready for a change, all you had to do
was turn the key in the ignition, cast the lines and go wondering on the water.
When you found an island with a sandy bank, you would just beach your boat there,
tie off and live till your supplies ran out.  Sleeping under the stars, revelling in the simplicity
of life.  No electricity, complete freedom, back to basics.
My old houseboat afforded just enough shelter, but it was spare enough to leave you living
close to the elements.   It was heaven!

A houseboat existence also left me with a bit of a home base...not too much, not too little,
from which to travel.
That summer, I indulged a long-held fascination with Spiritualism and it's roots.
Spiritualism is the belief in the continuation of life after the transition we call death.
150 or so years ago, it was a movement that swept America and England.
What remains of it in today's America are 3 communities: Camp Chesterfield in Indiana,
Lily Dale in upstate New York and Cassadaga near Daytona, Florida.
I decided to go visiting, one by one.
What I found was a quirky and wonderful assembling of psychice, mediums, healers
and investigators.  The camps are visited by all manner of interesting folk, as well.
I went as a bit of a curious and somewhat skeptical observer.
Having had plenty of unusual expereinces myself over the years, I knew that these things
are real and I wanted to spend  a little time among these people.  In particular, I wanted
to interview some of the older folks who had been born with gifts of healing.
My plan was to go to Camp Chesterfield and spend 3 weeks-3 months there,
observing and writing.
That was 12 years ago.  I am still here.  An unexpected chapter of my life unfolded here
and my beautiful boat days came to a close...
All good Gypsies must stay flexible, lightly attached and open to the call of Spirit.

There are what is called 'settled Gypies' and roaming ones.
I find myself somewhere in the middle...and it works pretty well.

So back to the story... Raymond Buckland was coming to give a series of lectures at
Camp Chesterfield and I was excited to meet this half-Roma son of a Gypsy king,
prolific writer,  and avid psychic investigator and teacher. 

to be continued...

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