Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ok! what's a Gypsy Ashram?!

The 'gypsy ashram' is one of the nicknames lovingly given by one of the magical young women who turns up here quite often.
Her friend, bearing her own special gifts, alternately calls it 'the monastery'.

I am honored that they come and that it feels like a kind of alternate home where they can hash out just about anything. We've been at it for a few years now.

I am a sort of karmic mother to them... and friend... and mentor.
We have forged a space and a relationship that is multifaceted to say the least!

As they are launching their lives, they are discovering those facets and learning to grow into all that they are. To experience joy and freedom and courage, sorrow, change and knowing one's self .
Learning how to have a foot in several worlds at once.
Learning from dreams, omens, love, loss, everyday reality, spontaneity... all of it.

At some point we outgrow the guidance that has brought us this far in life.
Life begins to hand us a few things that we weren't prepared for....
We encounter layers and dimensions that we were completely unaware of.
We sometimes exhaust our store of friends, self help books, religions and counselors.
They are no longer in tune with us.... not so helpful now.

Our personal reality is changing....
Our insides don't fit neatly with our outsides anymore...
Friends, relatives, partners express concern... or dismay.
Just one more problem we don't need right now!

We are beginning to open... just a little...and we wonder where this ride is taking us....
What will come of it?

Not to worry...
It may take a little while to realize that this is not some crazy delusion.
It might even be part of a wildly jubilant masterpiece....a little of your gypsy soul beginning to stir...

So now that you've had a peek behind the curtain, feel free to dress up and invite yourself inside. Make all the noise you want (except when it's monastery time... just kidding).

All things are lawful. Not all things are helpful.... You'll sort it out.

So many blessings...

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